Thursday, December 01, 2005

Jimmy Breslin to Hillary: Send Your Daughter to Iraq

Okay, I admit that this drives me crazy.

Jimmy Breslin has a column in New York Newsday in which he attacks Hillary Clinton (rightly) from the left, but the points he makes are surely familiar to us on the right (e.g., she is avoiding staking out a clear position or trying to have it both ways on Iraq). Breslin, like so many others on the left, cannot help tossing in the usual nonsensical, anti-war challenge: "If Hillary Clinton wants this war to go on, then she should send her daughter to fight in Iraq."

Once again, I ask, how would Hillary Clinton go about doing this, anyway? As I and many others have previously pointed out, Breslin's challenge is patently ridiculous:

The left seems to have missed that post-draft we have an all-volunteer armed force, so I do not have the ability to send my son or anyone else anywhere. Nor does any other parent. My son can decide to go or not go by volunteering for service, but I cannot send him or stop him from going if he so chooses. That is what an all-volunteer armed force means. All persons wishing to test this should try thinking about how they would "send" or "take" their adult son or daughter ANYWHERE (e.g., college, a concert or even the barber) against their will. Is that really so hard to understand for Mrs. Sheehan and the left? Perhaps they prefer the old mentality that people in the army are forced to be there, and those who are not were saved from forced conscription by their families. A large portion of the left appears to be unable to side with those in the military unless they are first reduced to victim status. I do not believe that most enlisted men and women see themselves as victims.

Perhaps one day, someone will be able to explain this to the left.

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