Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Take Your Son to Canada Day?

Cindy Sheehan's declaration that she "would have taken [her enlisted son] to Canada" if she had known than what she purportedly knows now once again shows how time-warped the left is. This desire to take a son to Canada may have made some sense when there was a draft and the object of such a move was to protect a young man from the draft at all cost and at all consequences, but it is nonsensical in the context of an all-volunteer armed force. What Mrs. Sheehan is saying in essence is that she would have somehow "taken" a 24-year-old Army Spc. (one who enlisted voluntarily) away to Canada to live as an Army deserter and face prosecution as such.

How would Mrs. Sheehan have "taken" this adult enlistee to Canada? Note that there is no mention of Army Spc. Sheehan wanting to desert nor of Mrs. Sheehan's confidence in her ability to convince him to desert. Was she going to kidnap this adult and move him to Canada against his will? Or maybe she was going to move him to Canada BEFORE he enlisted, which of course would be even sillier because he would not be in line to go to war unless he in fact had enlisted.

This is a common theme among the left. Whenever I hear the tired, 1960s-inspired question, "Would you send your son/daughter to fight there?" I always ask the same question: Just how would I go about doing that, anyway? The left seems to have missed that post-draft we have an all-volunteer armed force, so I do not have the ability to send my son or anyone else anywhere. Nor does any other parent. My son can decide to go or not go by volunteering for service, but I cannot send him or stop him from going if he so chooses. That is what an all-volunteer armed force means. All persons wishing to test this should try thinking about how they would "send" or "take" their adult son or daughter ANYWHERE (e.g., college, a concert or even the barber) against their will.

Is that really so hard to understand for Mrs. Sheehan and the left? Perhaps they prefer the old mentality that people in the army are forced to be there, and those who are not were saved from forced conscription by their families. A large portion of the left appears to be unable to side with those in the military unless they first reduced to victim status. I do not believe that most enlisted men and women see themselves as victims.

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