Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It's Now Official: Dems and Terrorists See the War the Same Way

The White House and GOP response to Chairman YEEAAARGHHHHH's latest remarks ("the idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong") has been fairly muted, but it may be because, as Scott McClennan said, "I think those are remarks for [Chairman YEEAAARGHHHHH] to clarify." Nonetheless, Republicans should challenge Democrats on the Chairman's assertion that, "the Democratic Party will come together on a proposal to withdraw National Guard and Reserve troops immediately, and all US forces within two years." If this is true, then the Democratic party has now taken the position most favored and advocated most notably by the terrorists and Baathist loyalists in Iraq, namely, that the U.S. will lose this war and should therefore surrender now before it gets worse. When Senator Kennedy proposed his own timeline for surrender in January 2005, I wrote:
It may be unremarkable that Senator Kennedy is advocating a leave-and-let-them-drown strategy, but if other Democrats get into the car with Senator Kennedy (note: yes, I know these are cheap metaphors at the expense of Senator Kennedy), then this will be a significant moment for the Democrats. It may mark the beginning of a Democrat party that takes an until-now unimaginable position: Let's go home and let the terrorists win this one. If this becomes a widespread Democrat position, this may mark the start of the long-term marginalization of the Democrat party.

The marginalization, of course, did not take hold because the party is divided on the surrender issue (also, to be fair, the Dems do have the MSM on their side, which makes it difficult for them to become marginalized). If the Chairman's statements are true, then maybe he has succeeded in getting the party to rally around the surrender position, and perhaps the marginalization can now begin.

UPDATE: John Hinderaker at Powerline sees it the same way. So does Jim Geraghty at TKS.

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