Sunday, February 27, 2005

Chairman Dean Finally Recognizes Evil

As reported by the Lawrence (Kansas) Journal-World:
And concluding his backyard speech with a litany of Democratic values, [DNC Chairman Howard Dean] added: "This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good."
Thankfully, Chairman Yeeaaarrghhhh clarified who is good and who is evil. Let us not forget that Dean famously counseled other Democrats during the presidential primary season to keep their focus on "the real enemy," George Bush.

As far as I can gather, Chairman Yeeaarrghhhh has no trouble using words such as "enemy," "hate" and "evil" when discussing Republicans, but cannot bring himself to use the same words when discussing terrorists or Usama bin Ladin. For that matter, it would be refreshing if Dean used the phrase "we're the good" when describing the U.S., but that seems unlikely as well.

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