Sunday, January 02, 2005

Whitman is the New Paul O'Neill

Drudge is reporting on Christine Todd Whitman's new Bush-bashing book. The book is set for release on January 27th, so this ought to provide at least two weeks of morning talk show and evening news coverage for the networks. Look for a 60 Minutes profile just before the inauguration.

The basic premise of the book seems to be that the GOP has moved too far to the right and has ignored moderates in the party. This seems like a tough argument to sustain when the party's stars include Rudy Giuliani and Governor Schwarzenegger, but I expect the mainstream media to provide her with plenty of cover while making this argument. The editorials will read, in essence, "Even Whitman, who is a loyal Republican, recognizes the extreme positions of the GOP." The GOP will hopefully ignore this and concentrate on the Inauguration and the second term agenda.

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