Friday, January 14, 2005

Once Again, America Distinguishes Itself

This Reuters dispatch, titled "Key Figure in Iraq Prisoner Abuse Found Guilty," once again shows what distinguishes America from most of the rest of the world. Can anyone imagine a headline reading "Key Figure in Videotaped Iraq Beheadings Found Guilty"? Can anyone imagine terrorists, Saddam loyalists or their respective sympathizers conducting trials of those responsible for the vicious beheadings of Westerners and Arabs working with the coalition? How many Viet Cong soldiers faced such trials for their actions at the infamous Hanoi Hilton and other POW camps?

Yet, America is vilified for the actions of a few, while the reaction by the U.S. military, namely an investigation, trial, conviction, and imminent punishment, are ignored. Very few countries or governments would undertake this process. The terrorists, Saddam loyalist and their respective sympathizers certainly would not.

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